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Video of Assad's cousin celebrating release from prison angers Syrians
Assad’s cousin boasts Ferrari and Israeli girlfriend in US while Syrians continue suffering
On Assignment: Syria Rebellion
Scores killed in violence across Syria
Can the Assad Regime Survive the Syrian Civil War?
Syrian Civil War: another senior official defects and joins Assad opposition as death toll rises
Syrian Jihad Magnet for EU Muslims: West fears fighters will import jihad to Europe and US
Israel Egypt: David Harris
S Y R I A (Video Diary part 2)
Footage of recent combat operations in East Aleppo
Syria Assad Kills Akram Youssef Al Dairi by Indiscrminate Shelling of City by Regime Army 5 19 13
♡Perjuangan Dalam Menyampaikan Amanah♡ »Relawan Bumi Syam« November 2020